Prescribing with Power and Precision
Homeobotanical Therapy (HbT) is a novel fusion of herbal medicine and low potency homeopathy, developed right here in New Zealand. Homeobotanicals are loved by practitioners and patients alike, and have seen thousands of successful cases in the twenty-one years since these amazing remedies were introduced.
Homeobotanicals are glycerated herbal tinctures which have been homeopathically potentised. By blending the various Homeobotanical remedies in the range, a perfectly balanced treatment is possible for every patient.
The remedies come as a range of concentrated herbal complexes which are personally blended together to make a unique individualised prescription. The system simply integrates the key areas that need addressing in the individual: what we call a mix and match approach.
For example, there may be liver dysfunction, gut dysbiosis and yeast overgrowth. In this case, the Homeobotanical remedy would be L (Liver), Q (Bowel) and Candi (Candida/digestion). The remedy is taken as a few drops thrice daily.
There are forty-four concentrates in the Homeobotanical range, covering everything from infection to lactation, asthma to insomnia.
The main actions of Homeobotanicals are at a cellular level. First, they purify the system by opening up the body's own natural drainage channels, then the components of the selected herbs enhance assimilation of nutrients to speed healing and boost energy levels. This combined action is suitable for both acute and chronic conditions. The healing response is gentle and safe, being suitable for people of all ages.
A feature of Homeobotanical Therapy is the beautiful synergy between the remedies and other modalities, in particular nutritional supplements (vitamins and mineral formulae). Homeobotanical Therapy has always been a core therapy, which means it may be used by ALL health professionals as the basis of their clinical management. The remedies initiate the entire healing response and may by used to boost the clinical results of body therapies, body/mind techniques and/or orthodox practice, as well as any of the natural health modalities.