Disclaimer: Please note this questionnaire is not a complete diagnosis in and of itself, and is not intended to diagonose any type of illness.
Are your health problems yeast connected?
Answer the following questions to determine if your health issues have a yeast connection. Answering yes to more than 5 means candida possibly plays a role. Over 8 is highly probable. The higher your score the more likely it is chronic candida infection. Send us your total score from this questionnaire.
Do you:
fatigue or lethargy?
feeling of being drained of energy?
feeling mental fog, poor concentration?
depression, moodiness or changeable moods?
cravings for sweets, bread or alcohol?
numbness, burning or tingling anywhere?
muscle aches, weakness?
painful joints or swelling in joints?
abdominal pain, digestive problems?
constipation or diarrhoea?
bloating or indigestion?
troublesome vaginal discharge?
persistant vaginal burning or itching?
“jock itch” or prostatitis?
history of athlete’s foot, ringworm or other chronic fungus infections?
impotence, or history of infertility?
lack of sexual desire?
menstrual irregularity or cramps/pain during menstruation?
spots in front of eyes?
poor or erratic vision?
Antibiotic useage within the past two years?
Feeling of “bad all over” but the cause hasn’t been found?
Copyright Bettalife 2004 P.O. Box 367 Dannevirke New Zealand
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6 Maine Street
Fax to +64 6 374-8564
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